Vyasa Sahitya Vyasa Sahitya

Veda       Purana       Upanishad       History
Vyasa Sahitya

Due to Goutama Rishi’s curse the precious knowledge which guide mankind to reach ultimate goal to attain mikthi was lost . Hence society started great sufferings, Human values started declining. In this period of crisis Sriman Narayana incarnated as Rishi Sri Vedavyasa, to re‐establish knowledge in mankind & also to propogate sanatana dharma in Bharata varsha.

Krishna Dwaipayana born to Rishi Sri Parashara & Satyavathi in mid of dwaipayana sarovara, hence he was named Krishna Dwaipayana. He is also known as Badarayana & Veda Vyasa.


Vyasa Sahithya

He lived along with Lord Sri Krishna, the 8th Incarnation of Lord Sriman Narayana & created great epic called “Mahabharata” the story of Sri Krishna,Pandava’s & Kuaravas’s life. Sri Krishna lived by examples, preached knowledge & established Dharma. Sri Vedavyasa captured Sri Krishna’s life & his messages in his works & passed on to world. This signifies the saying “God only can know the God”. The Mahabharata referred to has all divine knowledge that society / individual seek & has answers to all the questions that mankind can get. Hence it is referred as 5th veda,& occupied a unique place in the tatvashatra prapancha all over the world, both through its divine message and size.

Sri Vedavyasa dived the sanatana Veda’s into 4 major categories, Rigveda, Yejurvada, Samaveda and Atharvana veda based on its nature, hence he was named as Vedavyasa(Sampadaka or Chief Editor). To understand vedic message, he also created Brahma Mimamsa or Brahmasutra’s. He also created 18 purana’s & upa purana’s to easily understand the message of Veda’s through various stories & life histories.

Sri Vedavyasa passed on the devine messages of Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samaveda and Atharveda to his disciple Rishi’s Paila,Vayshampayana, Jaimini and Sumantu respectively and asked them to spread the knowledge across Bharatavarsha. Thus the Knowledge established again under the able guidance of Sri Vedavyasa & passed on from generation to generation though various Rishi, Muni’s, Grihasta’s with the support of Kings, Kingdoms and emperor’s all across Bharatavarsha.

As time passed many different aspects added i.e Vedantha, Vedanga etc to know the vedic message more accurately and included into the main stream by numerous Rishi, muni’s and practiced in different parts of India. These practices mainly follow Shruthi, Smirithi & Karma method (Vacha, Manasa & Kaya). Yaska, Audumbhara, Koutsha, Koushta Gargya, Galava, Shatabala, Panini, Shounaka, are some of the early age scholars who passed on such treasure through literature in the ancient age.

Due to emergence of different geo political condition and influences, the knowledge that was established by Sri Vedavyasa started disappearing & different thoughts emerged such as Jainism, Buddhism…etc and stated influencing Bharatavarsha. During 7th Century AD Sri Adi Shankaracharya born in South of India, re‐energized Hindu society and tried to re‐establish Veda’s & prevent onslaught from different religions. He established Mayavada or Adviatha siddhantha as famously known. Since then many acharya’s put forth their views (Darshana’s) and started different schools of thought to establish Sri Vedavaysa’s real meanings,

During 10th century Sri Ramajunacharya put forth his view & started Vishsitaviatha Siddantha & preached Srivaihnavism in south India. There were 21 different schools of thoughts created during 7 Century AD to 11 Century in India.

Post 11th century India was under severe political instability & it also had an influence on sanatana vedic knowledge. In the midst of this great instability Jeevottama Vayudeva took the incarnation as Vasudeva, born near Udupi in Karnataka, south of India. He took sanyasa at the age of 8 years and become Sri Anandatheertha, he is also known by name poornapragna, Madwacharya, Anumana theertha, etc. Sri Anandatheertha wrote 22nd commentary on Sri Vedavyasa’s Bharmasutra’s and established “Tatvavada” or “Tatva Siddanta” and famously known as Dvaitha Siddantha which establishes true essence of Sri vedavyasa. Sri Anandatheertha wrote detailed explanation and meanings to all Sri vedavyasa kruthis which include Upanishad’s, Brahma Sutra’s, Veda’s, Puranas, Mahabarata, Bagavath Geetha..etc, thus Sri Ananda theertha become the only acharya to explain the essence all vedavyasa’s real meanings. Apart from that Sri Anandatheertha also composed many independent books on Philoshphy, Stotras & Shastras.

We can recognize that post Sri Anandatheertha, much needed stability started to appear in Indian Philosophical traditions. The main 3 Siddantha’ s i.e Advaitha, Visitadviatha & Dvaitha siddantha’s started to consolidate their views by healthy interaction through writings, discussions by the scholars in their respective linages / parampara till present generation.

Countless literary scholars contributed to this jnana yagna over past 1000 years & shared their experiences through writings, We can identify some of the great scholars who influenced significantly through their literature in each schools & made big impact in this journey.

Adviatha Siddhantha: Sri Goudapadaru, Sri Padmapada,Sri Sureshvaracharya, Sri Vachaspathi Mishra, Sri Vidyaranya, Sri Sayanacharya, Sri Appayya Deekshita, Sri Madhusudhana saraswathi and many more

Vishitavaitha Siddhantha : Sri Sudharshanacharya, Sri Venkatanatha, Sri Vedanta Desika, Sri Mahacharya,Sri Ranga ramanuja muni, Sri Vadhula Srinivasacharya and many more

Dvaitha Siddhantha :Sri Jayatheertha, Sri Vyasatheertha, Sri Vadiraja theerhta ,Sri Vijayeendra Theertha, Sri Sudheendra theertha, Sri Raghavendra theertha,Sri Kambalur Ramachandra theerhta, Sri Sumatheendra theertha ,Sri Dheerandra theertha,Sri Satyadharma theertha ,Sri yadavaryaru and many more.

Thus the knowledge started by God Sri Vedavyasa passed on from generation to generation over 5000 years through many dimensional litrature. Our effort in Madhwamurtha is to share such divine treasure with our readers.


“Krishnarpana mastu”