Sri Yadavendrateertharu
Ashrama Gurugalu : Sri Sudheendrateertharu
Brundavana : Mudumale
Vidya Shishya : Sri Lakshminathateertharu
Sloka :
ಯದನುಗ್ರಹಮಾತ್ರೇಣ ಪೂರ್ಣ್ರೋಹಂ ಸರ್ವಸಂಪದಾ |
ಯಾದವೇಂದ್ರಮುನೀನ್ವಂದೇ ಮಮ ವಿದ್ಯಾಗುರೂನ್ಸದಾ ||
यदनुग्रहमात्रेण पूर्णोहं सर्व संपदा।
यादवेंद्र मनिशम् वंदे विद्या गुरुं सदा॥
yadanugrahamātrēṇa pūrṇōhaṁ sarva saṁpadā|
yādavēṁdra maniśam vaṁdē vidyā guruṁ sadā||
Granta :
Bhagavata Vyakhyana
Nyayamrutha Vyakhyana
Sri Yadavendrateertharu is the epitome of Jnana Bhakti Vairagya. Sri Yadavendrateertharu received Ashram from Sri Sudhindrateertharu. When Sri Sudhindrateertharu was asked whether he was accepting sanyasa for asceticism or for the continuation of the Samsthana before giving the ashram, he humbly replied that he does not want the responsibility of the Mahasamsthana, I am accepting sanyasa for my adhyatmika sadhana.
Sri Yadavendrateertharu serves Guru Sri Sudhindrateertharu for many days and then leaves for pilgrimage.
For about 10 years, he continued to preach Madhwamatha and continued to preach his disciples and arrived in Madurai town. At that time, Sri Raghavendrateertharu continued to be the head of Mahasamsthana. During the Kumbakona Sanchara, Sri Yadavendraru has come to visit Sri Raghavendratheertharu. Sri Raghavendrateertharu requested Sri Yadavendrateertharu at Kumbakona to return samsthana peetha ,
Sri Yadavendrateertharu who did not agree with this statement of Sri Raghavendrateertharu said that Sri Raghavendrateertharu is better for the samsthana, as per the request of Sri Raghavendratheertharu he worshiped the Brahma kararchita Sri Moolaramchandra deity for one day and handed over the Lakshminarayana deity Garudavaha which was blessed by Sudhindrateertharu to the samsthana & leaves for darshana of Sri Sudhindrateertharu
In course of time Sri Yadavendrateertharu settled in Mudumale village near Krishna river & attended brundavana .