Category: Madhwa Parampara
Lineage of Madhwa Matha Parampare
ಶ್ರೀ ಸುಧರ್ಮೇಂದ್ರತೀರ್ಥರು – Sri Sudharmendrateertharu
ಶ್ರೀ ಸುಧರ್ಮೇಂದ್ರತೀರ್ಥರು – Sri Sudharmendrateertharu
Sri Vibhudendrateertharu
Sri Vibudhendra Theertha (Tirunelveli) The name Sri Vibudhendra Theertha gives un paralleled positive vibes in the minds and souls of scholars across india. He is reffered as the Commander in chief of Dwaitha philosophy...
Sri Ramachandrateertharu
Sri Ramachandra Theertha (1406 -1435) Sri Ramachandra Theertha is 10th saint from Madhwacharya of the main parampare and continued the task of his guru Sri Vageesha theertha to stabilize madhwa society post-split. He...
Tambihalli Madhava Theertha Mutt
Tambihalli Mutt (Sri ) Jagadguru Sri Madhwacharya, who preached Tatvavada, had many disciples who were initiated sanyasa by him. He also installed Krishna idol in Udupi and appointed 8 saints to worship Sri Krishna...
Sri Vageesha Theertharu
Sri Vageesha Theertha Sri Vageesha Theertha was 9th saint in the lineage from Sri Madhwacharya. Here is his brief introduction. Poorvashrama Name – Sri Raghunathacharya Ashrama Guru – Sri Kaveendra Theertha Ashrama Shishya —...