Shiroor Mutt

Shiroor Mutt

Idol of Vittala with Sri Devi and Bhudevi

Shirooru - ViThala

Shirooru – ViThala

Jagadguru Sri Madhwacharya, who preached Tatvavada also installed Krishna idol in Udupi and appointed 8 saints to worship Sri Krishna on Co-operation basis (Paryaya). These saints continued their linage & became the moola purusha of 8 different mutts called Ashta mutts.

Sri Madhwacharya initiated Sri Vamana Theertha to sanyasa to worship Sri Krishna & gave Sri Vittala (Called as Vamana Vittala) with Sridevi & Bhudevi idols. Sri Vamana theertha continued his lineage & it is known as Shiroor mutt. Sri Vamana Theertha is the first pontiff / moola purusha of this mutt.

The main branch of this Mutt is in the village Shiroor. At Udupi Shiroor mutt is located to the east of Sri Krishna temple in front of the Kanaka’s shrine.

Below is brief description about the saints of Shiroor mutt guru parampare.

01. Sri Vamana Theertha (1249-1327)

Sri Vamana Theertha is the 1st saint after Madhwacharya in the guru parampare of Shiroor mutt.

Poorvashrama Name : —

Ashrama Guru : Sri Madhwacharya

Ashrama Shishya : Sri Vasudeva Theertha

Aradhana : Vaishakha Shudha Dashami

Vrundavana : at Ganga Yamuna sangama

Sri Vamana Theertha is the first pontiff of Shiroor mutt who was given Ashrama by Sri Madhwacharya himself. In Sumadhwa Vijaya, it is mentioned as ‘adeerghanyabhidana’ about him. He preached Tatvavada to many disciples. He did tapas in Kurukshetra and near Ganga river for many years. He was expert in Pranayama and yoga.

After handing over Peeta to Sri Vasudeva Theertha, it is said that he entered Vrundavana at Ganga Yamuna sangama but it needs to be confirmed after thorough research.

02. Sri Vasudeva Theertha (1327-1347)

Sri Vasudeva Theertha is the 2nd saint after Sri Vamana Theertha in the guru parampare of Shiroor mutt.

Poorvashrama Name : —

Ashrama Guru : Sri Vamana Theertha

Ashrama Shishya : Sri Punyasloka Theertha

Aradhana : Magha Shudha Dwiteeya

Vrundavana : Dwaraka

Sri Vasudeva Theertha took Ashrama from Sri Vamana Theertha and ruled the Peeta for 20 years. Having received the blessings of Jagadguru Sri Madhwacharya, he was involved in the propagation of Dvaita philosophy through discourses and explanations of the Vedanta. He had a debate with Buddha sanyasi and defeated him. He acquired mantra siddhi and was able to bring leaves and flowers to the dry wood. He brought new life to dwaitha philosophy.

After handing over Peeta to Sri Punyasloka Theertha, it is said that he entered Vrundavana at Dwaraka but it needs to be confirmed after thorough research.

03. Sri Punyasloka Theertha (1347-1365)

Sri Punyasloka Theertha is the 3rd saint after Sri Vamana Theertha in the guru parampare of Shiroor mutt.

Poorvashrama Name : —

Ashrama Guru : Sri Vasudeva Theertha

Ashrama Shishya : Sri Vedagamya Theertha

Aradhana : Kartika Shudha Dwiteeya

Vrundavana : Kumbhakonam

Sri Punyasloka Theertha took Ashrama from Sri Vasudeva Theertha and ruled the Peeta for 18 years. With the blessings of Mukhyaprana he was famous for his revelations on the past and future events.

After handing over Peeta to Sri Vedagamya Theertha, it is said that he entered Vrundavana at Kumbhakonam but it needs to be confirmed after thorough research.

04. Sri Vedagamya Theertha (1365-1387)

Sri Vedagamya Theertha is the 4th saint after Sri Vamana Theertha in the guru parampare of Shiroor mutt.

Poorvashrama Name : —

Ashrama Guru : Sri Punyasloka Theertha

Ashrama Shishya : Sri Vedavyasa Theertha

Aradhana : Chaitra Shudha Panchami

Vrundavana : Trinavalli (near river Tamraparni)

Sri Vedagamya Theertha took Ashrama from Sri Punyasloka Theertha and ruled the Peeta for 22 years. He was well versed in all the four Vedas and Upanishads.

After handing over Peeta to Sri Vedavyasa Theertha, it is said that he entered Vrundavana at Trinavalli but it needs to be confirmed after thorough research.

05. Sri Vedavyasa Theertha (1387-1404)

Sri Vedavyasa Theertha is the 5th saint after Sri Vamana Theertha in the guru parampare of Shiroor mutt.

Poorvashrama Name : —

Ashrama Guru : Sri Vedagamya Theertha

Ashrama Shishya : Sri Vedavedya Theertha

Aradhana : Pushya Bahula Panchami

Vrundavana : on the banks of river Tungabhadra

Sri Vedavyasa Theertha took Ashrama from Sri Vedagamya Theertha and ruled the Peeta for 17 years. He was well versed in all aspects of yoga. He was able to postulate on all matters relating to the past, taking place at present and the future course of events. He toured extensively all over India and had debates with opponents and defeated them. He was also expert in music.

After handing over Peeta to Sri Vedavedya Theertha, it is said that he entered Vrundavana on the banks of river Tungabhadra but it needs to be confirmed after thorough research.

06. Sri Vedavedya Theertha (1404-1427)

Sri Vedavedya Theertha is the 6th saint after Sri Vamana Theertha in the guru parampare of Shiroor mutt.

Poorvashrama Name : —

Ashrama Guru : Sri Vedavyasa Theertha

Ashrama Shishya : Sri Mahesha Theertha

Aradhana : Phalguna Amavasya

Vrundavana : Gokarna

Sri Vedavedya Theertha took Ashrama from Sri Vedavyasa Theertha and ruled the Peeta for 23 years. He had complete knowledge in sarva moola Grantha’s. Due to some prarabhda he had some disease and was able to cure himself by doing Brahma sutra Bhashya parayana. He was an authority on Gita Bhashya and Brahma Sutra Bhashya.

After handing over Peeta to Sri Mahesha Theertha he entered Vrundavana at Gokarna.

07. Sri Mahesha Theertha (1427-1451)

Sri Mahesha Theertha is the 7th saint after Sri Vamana Theertha in the guru parampare of Shiroor mutt.

Poorvashrama Name : —

Ashrama Guru : Sri Vedavedya Theertha

Ashrama Shishya : Sri Krishna Theertha

Aradhana : Sravana Shudha Dwiteeya

Vrundavana : on the banks of river Godavari

Sri Mahesha Theertha took Ashrama from Sri Vedavedya Theertha and ruled the Peeta for 24 years. He did fasting (Upavasa vrata) for 12 years. Being a great scholar he was known for his practice of austerity measures.

After handing over Peeta to Sri Krishna Theertha, it is said that he entered Vrundavana on the banks of river Godavari but it needs to be confirmed after thorough research.

08. Sri Krishna Theertha (1451-1467)

Sri Krishna Theertha is the 8th saint after Sri Vamana Theertha in the guru parampare of Shiroor mutt.

Poorvashrama Name : —

Ashrama Guru : Sri Mahesha Theertha

Ashrama Shishya : Sri Raghava Theertha

Aradhana : Margashira Shudha Dashami

Vrundavana : on the banks of river Krishna

Sri Krishna Theertha took Ashrama from Sri Mahesha Theertha and ruled the Peeta for 16 years.  He was a great tapasvi. He was an accomplished musician and was known for his interests in Music. It is a historical fact that when he was singing the Bhajans in praise of Lord Krishna, sound of anklets and bracelets was heard to everyone.

After handing over Peeta to Sri Raghava Theertha, it is said that he entered Vrundavana on the banks of river Krishna but it needs to be confirmed after thorough research.

 09. Sri Raghava Theertha (1467-1484)

Sri Raghava Theertha is the 9th saint after Sri Vamana Theertha in the guru parampare of Shiroor mutt.

Poorvashrama Name : —

Ashrama Guru : Sri Krishna Theertha

Ashrama Shishya : Sri Suresha Theertha

Aradhana : Jeshta Shudha Panchami

Vrundavana : on the banks of river Netravati

Sri Raghava Theertha took Ashrama from Sri Krishna Theertha and ruled the Peeta for 17 years. He was a Maha Tapasvi with thorough knowledge of the Vedas. He was known for his pious nature and his socio- religious programs.

After handing over Peeta to Sri Suresha Theertha, it is said that he entered Vrundavana on the banks of river Netravati but it needs to be confirmed after thorough research.

 10. Sri Suresha Theertha (1484-1507)

Sri Suresha Theertha is the 10th saint after Sri Vamana Theertha in the guru parampare of Shiroor mutt.

Poorvashrama Name : —

Ashrama Guru : Sri Raghava Theertha

Ashrama Shishya : Sri Vedabhushana Theertha

Aradhana : Vaishakha Shudha Saptami

Vrundavana : on the banks of river Ganga

Sri Suresha Theertha took Ashrama from Sri Raghava Theertha and ruled the Peeta for 23 years. He did badari yatra and toured other pilgrimage places during his tenure. He did Sudha paata on the banks of river Bhagirathi for 3 times. He was an erudite scholar and the mutt was a seat of learning during his tenure.

After handing over Peeta to Sri Vedabhushana Theertha, it is said that he entered Vrundavana on the banks of river Ganga but it needs to be confirmed after thorough research.

 11. Sri Vedabhushana Theertha (1507-1523)

Sri Vedabhushana Theertha is the 11th saint after Sri Vamana Theertha in the guru parampare of Shiroor mutt.

Poorvashrama Name : —

Ashrama Guru : Sri Suresha Theertha

Ashrama Shishya : Sri Srinivasa Theertha

Aradhana : Bhadrapada Bahula Truteeya

Vrundavana : Shivapura

Sri Vedabhushana Theertha took Ashrama from Sri Suresha Theertha and ruled the Peeta for 16 years. He was believed to be great scholar. Continuing the good work of his predecessor, he was instrumental in propagating the Dvaita philosophy to greater heights.

After handing over Peeta to Sri Srinivasa Theertha he entered Vrundavana at Shivapura.

 12. Sri Srinivasa Theertha (1523-1547)

Sri Srinivasa Theertha is the 12th saint after Sri Vamana Theertha in the guru parampare of Shiroor mutt.

Poorvashrama Name : —

Ashrama Guru : Sri Vedabhushana Theertha

Ashrama Shishya : Sri Vedanidhi Theertha

Aradhana : Asweeja Shudha Saptami

Vrundavana : Venkatadri

Sri Srinivasa Theertha took Ashrama from Sri Vedabhushana Theertha and ruled the Peeta for 23 years. He was believed to be great scholar. He did Sudha mangala for 12 times. He completely dedicated himself to conducting discourses Nyayasudha throughout his tenure.

After handing over Peeta to Sri Vedanidhi Theertha, it is said that he entered Vrundavana at Venkatadri but it needs to be confirmed after thorough research.

 13. Sri Vedanidhi Theertha (1547-1572)

Sri Vedanidhi Theertha is the 13th saint after Sri Vamana Theertha in the guru parampare of Shiroor mutt.

Poorvashrama Name : —

Ashrama Guru : Sri Srinivasa Theertha

Ashrama Shishya : Sri Sridhara Theertha

Aradhana : Pushya Shudha Panchami

Vrundavana : Shivapura

Sri Vedanidhi Theertha took Ashrama from Sri Srinivasa Theertha and ruled the Peeta for 25 years. He was a great scholar. He wrote ‘Sukhabodhini’ a commentary on acharya Madhwa’s Geetha Bhashya.

After handing over Peeta to Sri Sridhara Theertha he entered Vrundavana at Shivapura.

 14. Sri Sridhara Theertha (1572-1592)

Sri Sridhara Theertha is the 14th saint after Sri Vamana Theertha in the guru parampare of Shiroor mutt.

Poorvashrama Name : —

Ashrama Guru : Sri Vedanidhi Theertha

Ashrama Shishya : Sri Yadavottama Theertha

Aradhana : Phalguna Bahula Dashami

Vrundavana : Pavanji Village

Sri Sridhara Theertha took Ashrama from Sri Vedanidhi Theertha and ruled the Peeta for 20 years. He was believed to be involved always in Bhagavatha parayana. He wrote many poems. He composed the ‘Sri Krishna Leela’ in poetic form. He had mastered the sacred Srikara Mantra.

After handing over Peeta to Sri Yadavottama Theertha he entered Vrundavana at Pavanji village.

  15. Sri Yadavottama Theertha (1592-1611)

Sri Yadavottama Theertha is the 15th saint after Sri Vamana Theertha in the guru parampare of Shiroor mutt.

Poorvashrama Name : —

Ashrama Guru : Sri Sridhara Theertha

Ashrama Shishya : Sri Raghavottama Theertha

Aradhana : Vaishakha Shudha Tryodashi

Vrundavana : Shivapura

Sri Yadavottama Theertha took Ashrama from Sri Sridhara Theertha and ruled the Peeta for 19 years.  He took extensive pilgrimage tour. He brought Narasimha idol from Badari and installed in Shivapura village. A top scholar in Vedanta, he was well known for his deliberations on the Dvaita philosophy. He was widely acclaimed after he conquered the Kashi Pundits in a debate following which he was conferred with a “Pundit”.

After handing over Peeta to Sri Raghavottama Theertha he entered Vrundavana at Shivapura.

  16. Sri Raghavottama Theertha (1611-1632)

Sri Raghavottama Theertha is the 16th saint after Sri Vamana Theertha in the guru parampare of Shiroor mutt.

Poorvashrama Name : —

Ashrama Guru : Sri Yadavottama Theertha

Ashrama Shishya : Sri Lakshminarayana Theertha

Aradhana : Chaitra Bahula Navami

Vrundavana : Purvashi Kshethra

Sri Raghavottama Theertha took Ashrama from Sri Yadavottama Theertha and ruled the Peeta for 21 years.  His tenure is remembered for the pomp and glory with which the worship of Lord Sri Vittala and Lord Sri Krishna were being carried out.

After handing over Peeta to Sri Lakshminarayana Theertha, it is said that he entered Vrundavana at Purvashi kshethra but it needs to be confirmed after thorough research.

  17. Sri Lakshminarayana Theertha (1632-1650)

Sri Lakshminarayana Theertha is the 17th saint after Sri Vamana Theertha in the guru parampare of Shiroor mutt.

Poorvashrama Name : —

Ashrama Guru : Sri Raghavottama Theertha

Ashrama Shishya : Sri Viswabhushana Theertha

Aradhana : Kartika Bahula Panchami

Vrundavana : on the banks of river Kaveri

Sri Lakshminarayana Theertha took Ashrama from Sri Raghavottama Theertha and ruled the Peeta for 18 years. He did tapas for many years with fasting on the banks of river Kaveri. Being a leading scholar himself, he was involved in religious discourses and patronizing of scholars from all over the country.

After handing over Peeta to Sri Viswabhushana Theertha, it is said that he entered Vrundavana at Gayatrishila near Kaveri River but it needs to be confirmed after thorough research.

  18. Sri Viswabhushana Theertha (1650-1672)

Sri Viswabhushana Theertha is the 18th saint after Sri Vamana Theertha in the guru parampare of Shiroor mutt.

Poorvashrama Name : —

Ashrama Guru : Sri Lakshminarayana Theertha

Ashrama Shishya : Sri Lakshmikanta Theertha

Aradhana : Sravana Bahula Tryodashi

Vrundavana : Shivapura

Sri Viswabhushana Theertha took Ashrama from Sri Lakshminarayana Theertha and ruled the Peeta for 22 years. An authority on Vedanta and the Upanishads, he was known to be a great teacher and had a large following of disciples. It is also believed that Sri Trailokyapavana Theertha was his disciple but was not mentioned in mutt’s website.

After handing over Peeta to Sri Lakshmikanta Theertha he entered Vrundavana at Shivapura.

  19. Sri Lakshmikanta Theertha (1672-1677)

Sri Lakshmikanta Theertha is the 19th saint after Sri Vamana Theertha in the guru parampare of Shiroor mutt.

Poorvashrama Name : —

Ashrama Guru : Sri Viswabhushana Theertha

Ashrama Shishya : Sri Lakshminarayana Theertha

Aradhana : Vaishakha Bahula Truteeya

Vrundavana : Nivrutti sangama

Sri Lakshmikanta Theertha took Ashrama from Sri Viswabhushana Theertha and ruled the Peeta for 5 years. Though he had a short tenure he had won the hearts of the people for his pious and tender nature. Not much information is available about him.

After handing over Peeta to Sri Lakshminarayana Theertha, it is said that he entered Vrundavana at Nivrutti sangama but it needs to be confirmed after thorough research.

  20. Sri Lakshminarayana Theertha (1677-1704)

Sri Lakshminarayana Theertha is the 20th saint after Sri Vamana Theertha in the guru parampare of Shiroor mutt.

Poorvashrama Name : —

Ashrama Guru : Sri Lakshmikanta Theertha

Ashrama Shishya : Sri Lakshmipati Theertha

Aradhana : Ashada Shudha Panchami

Vrundavana : Udupi

Sri Lakshminarayana Theertha took Ashrama from Sri Lakshmikanta Theertha and ruled the Peeta for 27 years. Not much information is available about him. He was a great philosopher and headed Mutt affairs for a period of 27 years. He did Sudha mangala for 13 times.

After handing over Peeta to Sri Lakshmipati Theertha he entered Vrundavana at Udupi.

21. Sri Lakshmipati Theertha (1704-1720)

Sri Lakshmipati Theertha is the 21st saint after Sri Vamana Theertha in the guru parampare of Shiroor mutt.

Poorvashrama Name : —

Ashrama Guru : Sri Lakshminarayana Theertha

Ashrama Shishya : Sri Lakshmidhara Theertha

Aradhana : Sravana Bahula Dashami

Vrundavana : Udupi

Sri Lakshmipati Theertha took Ashrama from Sri Lakshminarayana Theertha and ruled the Peeta for 16 years. He is remembered for the tours he undertook to propagate the Dvaita philosophy. During one of the tour he halted at a place called Papuja where in a dream he had the vision of Sri Venugopala Krishna playing the Flute. In the vision he was informed that under the nearby ant-hill an idol of Venugopala Krishna was available. Next morning arrangements were made to dig the ant-hill and the idol was found. Later he installed the idol in Papuja. The Papuja Mutt was established by him in this place. 

After handing over Peeta to Sri Lakshmidhara Theertha he entered Vrundavana at Udupi.

 22. Sri Lakshmidhara Theertha (1720-1735)

Sri Lakshmidhara Theertha is the 22nd saint after Sri Vamana Theertha in the guru parampare of Shiroor mutt.

Poorvashrama Name : —

Ashrama Guru : Sri Lakshmipati Theertha

Ashrama Shishya : Sri Lakshmiramana Theertha

Aradhana : Chaitra Shudha Dwiteeya

Vrundavana : Udupi

Sri Lakshmidhara Theertha took Ashrama from Sri Lakshmipati Theertha and ruled the Peeta for 15 years. He was the Poorvashrama brother of the pontiff of Sri Puttige Mutt. He visited places like Kashi, Rameswaram etc.

After handing over Peeta to Sri Lakshmiramana Theertha he entered Vrundavana at Udupi.

 23. Sri Lakshmiramana Theertha (1735-1781)

Sri Lakshmiramana Theertha is the 23rd saint after Sri Vamana Theertha in the guru parampare of Shiroor mutt.

Poorvashrama Name : —

Ashrama Guru : Sri Lakshmidhara Theertha

Ashrama Shishya : Sri Lakshmimanohara Theertha

Aradhana : Jeshta Bahula Panchami

Vrundavana : Udupi

Sri Lakshmiramana Theertha took Ashrama from Sri Lakshmidhara Theertha and ruled the Peeta for 46 years. He was a well debater and great scholar. He did Krishna Pooja in different styles of Alankara. It is said that when he was in his infancy a cobra sneaked into his cradle, he was found playing with it which was witnessed by many. Being a highly revered Swamiji, the Mutt was granted the Villages of Shiroor, Santyaaru and Shivapura in the Udupi District, by Mudradi Anantayya who was then the Dewan of Nagara. He built Mantapa for their mutt in Udupi and now this Mantapa is used for keeping silver chariot of Krishna. He then established the now famous Sri Shiroor Moola Mutt at Shiroor.

After handing over Peeta to Sri Lakshmimanohara Theertha he entered Vrundavana at Udupi.

 24. Sri Lakshmimanohara Theertha (1781-1819)

Sri Lakshmimanohara Theertha is the 24th saint after Sri Vamana Theertha in the guru parampare of Shiroor mutt.

Poorvashrama Name : —

Ashrama Guru : Sri Lakshmiramana Theertha

Ashrama Shishya : Sri Lakshmipriya Theertha

Aradhana : —

Vrundavana : Udupi

Sri Lakshmimanohara Theertha took Ashrama from Sri Lakshmiramana Theertha and ruled the Peeta for 38 years. He belongs to Bharadwaja gotra. He is remembered for having renovated the Shiroor Mutt and also for his developmental activities in and around the Shiroor village.

After handing over Peeta to Sri Lakshmipriya Theertha he entered Vrundavana at Udupi.

 25. Sri Lakshmipriya Theertha (1819-1829)

Sri Lakshmipriya Theertha is the 25th saint after Sri Vamana Theertha in the guru parampare of Shiroor mutt.

Poorvashrama Name : —

Ashrama Guru : Sri Lakshmimanohara Theertha

Ashrama Shishya : Sri Lakshmivallabha Theertha

Aradhana : —

Vrundavana : Udupi

Sri Lakshmipriya Theertha took Ashrama from Sri Lakshmimanohara Theertha and ruled the Peeta for 10 years. He is remembered is propagation of the Dvaita philosophy as he traveled around the length and breadth of the country delivering sermons and spreading the teachings of Jagadguru Sri Madhwacharya.

After handing over Peeta to Sri Lakshmivallabha Theertha he entered Vrundavana at Udupi.

 26. Sri Lakshmivallabha Theertha (1828-1886)

Sri Lakshmivallabha Theertha is the 26th saint after Sri Vamana Theertha in the guru parampare of Shiroor mutt.

Poorvashrama Name : —

Ashrama Guru : Sri Lakshmipriya Theertha

Ashrama Shishya : Sri Lakshmisamudra Theertha

Aradhana : —

Vrundavana : Udupi

Sri Lakshmivallabha Theertha took Ashrama from Sri Lakshmipriya Theertha and ruled the Peeta for 57 years. He was a Vidya sishya of the then pontiff of Sri Krishnapura Mutt. He was a Maha Tapasvi. He performed the Vishnu Panchaka 5 times, the Bhagavatha Saptaha once and the Sudha Mangala thrice. On a Dwadashi Tithi, while doing Pooja and offering arathi, his devotees saw him leave his body and attain Samadhi. 

After handing over Peeta to Sri Lakshmisamudra Theertha he entered Vrundavana at Udupi.

 27. Sri Lakshmisamudra Theertha (1886-1926)

Sri Lakshmisamudra Theertha is the 27th saint after Sri Vamana Theertha in the guru parampare of Shiroor mutt.

Poorvashrama Name : —

Ashrama Guru : Sri Lakshmivallabha Theertha

Ashrama Shishya : Sri Lakshmindra Theertha

Aradhana : —

Vrundavana : Udupi

Sri Lakshmisamudra Theertha took Ashrama from Sri Lakshmivallabha Theertha and ruled the Peeta for 40 years. He offered the Garuda Ratha (medium size) to Sri Krishna Mutt during paryaya and also had the Bhojana Shale (Dining Hall) built. He installed a statue of Lord Sri Mukhyaprana at the Bhojana Shale. It is believed that those who do Seva near this and take Krishna prasada will get children. He also renovated the Papuja Mutt. 

After handing over Peeta to Sri Lakshmindra Theertha he entered Vrundavana at Udupi.

 28. Sri Lakshmindra Theertha (1926-1963)

Sri Lakshmindra Theertha is the 28th saint after Sri Vamana Theertha in the guru parampare of Shiroor mutt.

Poorvashrama Name : —

Ashrama Guru : Sri Lakshmisamudra Theertha

Ashrama Shishya : Sri Lakshmimanojna Theertha

Aradhana : —

Vrundavana : Udupi

Sri Lakshmindra Theertha took Ashrama from Sri Lakshmisamudra Theertha and ruled the Peeta for 37 years.  He was born in 1907 (Plavanga Samvatsara Vaishakha Shudha Dwadashi). He was given Ashrama by Sri Viswendra Theertha in 1916 A.D. He studied under Satyadhyana Theertha of Uttaradi Mutt. He did Sudha mangala for 3 times and he was a famous Ayurveda doctor. His first Paryaya was from 1930 to 1932. He founded a primary school in Shiroor village for free education to students. In 1939, he also established a mutt in Mulky, Dakshina Kannada District and the Gopalapura Mutt was established. He wrote Geetha Darshana & Dwaitha Darshana. He published ‘Suktamala’ in Kannada. He also built the Vasantha Mantapa at Sri Krishna Mutt.

After handing over Peeta to Sri Lakshmimanojna Theertha he entered Vrundavana at Udupi.

 29. Sri Lakshmimanojna Theertha (1963-1971)

Sri Lakshmimanojna Theertha is the 29th saint after Sri Vamana Theertha in the guru parampare of Shiroor mutt.

Poorvashrama Name : —

Ashrama Guru : Sri Lakshmindra Theertha

Ashrama Shishya : —

Aradhana : —

Vrundavana : —

Sri Lakshmimanojna Theertha took Ashrama from Sri Lakshmindra Theertha and was in Peeta for only 7 years. He offered great patronage to all forms of arts, music, painting, literary and sculpture. In 1963, Krishna Dharma Chathra was built and handed over to the Sri Krishna Mutt under his tenure. This was considered and is still remembered as the Golden Era of culture and literature.

Later he relinquished both Peeta and sanyasa in 1971. Then Sri Lakshmivara Theertha took sanyasa from Sri Viswottama Theertha of Sode mutt and became head of Shiroor mutt.

  30. Sri Lakshmivara Theertha (Present pontiff)

Sri Lakshmivara Theertha is the 30th saint after Sri Vamana Theertha in the guru parampare of Shiroor mutt.

Poorvashrama Name : —

Peeta Guru : Sri Lakshmindra Theertha

Ashrama Guru : Sri Viswottama Theertha (Sode mutt)

He is the present pontiff. He was born to Sri Vittala Acharya and Smt Kusumamma on June 8, 1964 at Madamakki in Kundapur Taluk (krodhi Samvatsara Vaishakha Bahula Tryodashi). He took Sanyasa from Sri Viswottama Theertha of Sri Sode Mutt in 1971, on July 2. He studied Veda from Kodangala Sri Ananta Ramacharya. He was constantly guided under the tutelage of Sri Viswottama Theertha. He also was guided by Sri Narayana Tantri, Adde Sri Vedavyasa Acharya and Alevoor Sri Seetharam Acharya. He is also been a disciple of Sri Vidyasagara Theertha of Krishnapura Mutt and Sri Satyapramoda Theertha of Uttaradi Mutt.

Source: 1) Ashta mutt parampare by Vyasankere Prabhanjanachar, 2) Information from respective mutt website and other internet sources.




Tenets of Madhwa Shastra

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