Sri Satyabhinava Theertharu
Sri Satyabhinava Theertha took Ashrama from Sri Satyanatha Theertha. He comes in the lineage of Uttaradhi mutt.
Poorvashrama Name : Sri Kesavacharya
Ashrama Guru : Sri Satyanatha Theertha
Ashrama Shishya : Sri Satyapoorna Theertha
Aradhana : Jeshta Shudha Chaturdashi
Vrundavana : Nacharkoil in Tamilnadu
Period : 1673-1706
Sri Satyabhinava Theertha was famous for his works on commentary on Mahabharata Tatparya Nirnaya and Bhagavatha Tatparya Nirnaya. He was also a great administrator in addition to the saintliness and scholarship. During his time Uttaradhi mutt has acquired many lands and other properties. During his time the mutt got possessed Elephants, horses, camels and other workers (Karmacharis). He appointed 64 workers in the mutt to take care of various works. Sri Satyadhiraja Theertha and Sri Satyadheesha Theertha took Ashrama from him and worked for the upliftment of the mutt. He acquired many sishyas during his tour. He built many agraharas for the Brahmins; he also built buildings for the mutt at various places. Sri Prasanna Venkata dasa wrote 4 songs praising him. He wrote following Grantha’s.
Commentary on Mahabharata Tatparya Nirnaya
Commentary on Bhagavatha Tatparya Nirnaya
Ramamrutha Maharnava
Sri Satyabhinava Theertha gave Ashrama to Krishnacharya, named him as Sri Satyapoorna Theertha and handed over the Peeta. He entered Vrundavana in Nacharkoil in Tamilnadu.
సత్యనాథాబ్ధి సంభూతః సద్గోగణ విజృంభితః
సత్యాభినవ తీర్థేందుః సంతాపాన్ హంతు సంతతం
ಸತ್ಯನಾಥಾಬ್ಧಿ ಸಂಭೂತಃ ಸದ್ಗೋಗಣ ವಿಜೃಂಭಿತಃ
ಸತ್ಯಾಭಿನವ ತೀರ್ಥೇಂದುಃ ಸಂತಾಪಾನ್ ಹಂತು ಸಂತತಂ
satyanAthAbdhi saMbhUtaH sadgOgaNa vijRuMbhitaH
satyAbhinava tIrthEMduH saMtApAn haMtu saMtataM
Source: Uttaradhi mutt sampradaya paddathi, Guru Parampare by Krishna Kolhar Kulkarni, and other sources etc.