Sri Ibharampura Appavaru – ಶ್ರೀ ಇಭರಾಮಪುರ ಅಪ್ಪಾವರು
Name: Ibharampura Krishnacharya
Period : 1789-1869
Aradhana : Sharavana Masa Sukhla Paksha Tritiya(1869)
Place : Ibharampura
Parents: Ahobalacharya and Krishna Bai
Contemporaries : Sri Yogi Narayanacharya, Guru Jagannatha Dasaru, Sri Mummadi Krishnaraja Wodeyar, Sri Sugnyanendra Theertharu ,Sri Sudharmendra Theertharu, Sri Vijayaramachandra Dasaru, Sri Jayesha Vithala Dasaru, Sri Kamalesha Vithala Dasaru
Sacred Bharatha varsha produced great gems of spiritual eminence with their miraculous and saintly orthodox and highly disciplined. Shri Ibharampura Krishnacharya is one among the great saintly personalities. Sri Krishnacharya (popularly known as Appavaru) was blessed to the ideal couple Ahobalacharya and Krishna Bai by their sincere and devoted prayers to Gururajaru (Raghavendra Swamigalu) .Sri Appavaru was born on Vijaya Dashami day.
Sri Krishnacharyaru even from his childhood, began to show miraculous power of divine activities. As a child was given oil bath and allowed to sleep in the cradle, the cradling was noticed without anybody’s action. People around used to flock to witness the rare phenomena. The Parents were poor and despite their humble little means to bring him up, the child grew up with the good qualities of robust health and activities.
Whenever the child was with the mother at the Harikathas or Puranas , he used to show sign of happiness and elation at the episodes of Kamsa Vadha by Krishna or Rukmini Kalayana equally, he used to weep aloud hearing Droupadi Vastraharana, suffering of Dhruwa Raja during his life in forest, Gajanedra Moksha etc.
Krishnacharya , in his boyhood days never showed any interest in studies and anusthana, but preferred to play in an irresponsible easy going way. The Parents were very much disappointed at his progress. One day, vexed by parent’s anger over his attitude, the young Krishnacharya left to a distant jungle and began to weep in solitude. An old man with rare brilliance of eminence on the face, came to young Krishnacharya and with his divine hand, inscribed letters on the tongue of Krishnacharya. Soon, a radical change of God-Consciousness was felt by the Krishnacharya who fell on the feet of the old man. Krishnacharya expressed his greatest happiness and relief. The old-man expressed himself as non-other than Ashwathamacharya. Further, Sri Ashwathmacharya expressed that Sri Mantralaya Gurusarvabhouma (Raghavendra Swamigalu) would greatly contribute to Sri Krishnacharya Sadhana.
Pandava Poojita Sri Panchamukhi Praana Devara idol:
Appavaru was in Mysore for his Sanchara, knowing the presence of Appavaru Sri Mummadi Krishnaraja Wodeyar Invited Appavaru to his Asthana. Sri Mummadi Krishnaraja Wodeyar was himself a great scholar, gnyani, devotee and above all a kind human heart always throbbing towards the satvikas ¬ bhaktas and the sajjanas. The decoration of the meticulous palace looked as though it was Maya nirmita and the work of Vishwakarma, the palace was glittering and shining. Though the fragrance of flowers decoration and the sandal scent was abundant in the palace, the fragrance which came out from the body of Appavaru excelled all this. Even Maharaja was astonished and bowed his head to this sacred personality and came to know that Appavaru is great Mahimavanta, daivamsha and Apparokshna Gyani. The King washed the sacred feet of Appavaru with gold vessels, wiped the feet with the silk cloth, worshipped with gandha, akshatae and mantrakshatae. The king was so much impressed that he offered several silver, gold, diamond ornaments, articles, silk & jaratari dhotis, shawls, clothes and several things to Appavaru and requested Appavaru to accept them. Maharaja confirmed that Ibharamapura’s Appavaru is SATPAATRA. A great meet of two divine stalwarts at the sannidhaana of Sri Chamundeshwari.
Maharaja happily agreed to offer whatever Appavaru desired for his daily poojas and rituas. One day Appavaru asked to dig the floor for more than six feet at the North East corner of the palace, as per the Appavaru’s instructions, the digging started. All were anxiously looking, as to what they would find in the ground. To the surprise of all, after digging six feet deep, they found a beautiful silver statue of Panchamukhi PraanaDevaru, all felt extremely happy and folded their hands with devotion. Appavaru said this statue was worshipped by Pandavas, the most sacred and the siddhi, and Appavaru desired to worship and opted the idol as Aaradhya Deva. Thus Panchamukhi Pavamana desired the worship of Ibharamapura’s Appavaru. After seeing Pavamana, Appavaru with devotional ecstasy composed the shloka as he had ashukavitva:
DivyalankaranamTripanchaNayanamRuja HastaabjairasiKhetiPustakaSudhaKumbhaKushaadeenHalaan KhatvaangamPhaniBhooruhamDashabhujamSarvaariDarpaapaharam
Dashabhuja, Panchavadana, Garuda, Naarasimha,Vaanara, Varaaha, Hayavadana Panchamukhi all in one statue sannihita in Pavamaana. The divine incarnation of Sri Harisarvottama Vayujeevottama, Appavaru described to Maharaja and to all the satvikas of Mysore. In the palace as per the request of Sri Mummadi Krishnaraja Maharaja, Appavaru performed the first pooja of Pavamaana in the palace itself. The King liberally offered gold and jewels ornaments to Mukhyaparadevaru and thus became highly gratitude.
Panchamukhi Praana Devaru who was dwelling in the palace, under the ground, six feet below at the North East direction, graciously came to Ibharamapura’s Appavaru and became Aaradhya Daiva.
Krishnarya’s Aparoksh Gnyana :
Appavaru owing to the Aparokshagnyana and Bhakti used to forecast and foretell what is going to happen in future. In Mantralaya once a great scholar by name Sri Ganesha Acharya met Appavaru and performed namaskara to the sacred feet of Appavaru . Immediately Appavararu told Ganesh Acharya that today you are doing Namaskara and from tomorrow onwards I have to do Namaskara to you. Everybody were astonished by hearing these words from Appavaru, as Appavru was a Aproxa Gnyani and everyone used to bow to him, but in the evening a message was came from Nanjanagudu from H.H.Sri Sugnyanendra Theertharu to start immediately to Nanjanagudu. As per the message, Ganesh Acharya started immediately from Mantralaya and reached Nanjangudu, met Swamiji. Sri Sugnyanendra Teertharu was about to attain the lotus feet of Sri Hari, made him as his successor and named as Sri Sudharmendra Teertharu.
Sri Appavara Anugraha to Guru Jagannatha Dasaru
Vekagiriacharya (father of Sri Guru Jagannatha Dasaru) and Sri Appavru where close friends. Sri Vekagiriacharya didn’t had a Santana. Once Sri Venktagiriacharya came to Ibharampura to meet Appavaru. Achaaryaru stayed there for a week in Ibharampura. Sri Venkatagiriacharya meet Appavaru when he was doing Madhu Abhisheka to Pandava Poojita Panchamukhi Mukhyapranadevaru . Sri Acharyararu expressed his feeling for having a Santana, which he didn’t have. Appavaru gave a Pearl from his Devara Peetige and gave Ashirvada to Acharyaru and said “Muttinantha Maga Hututane“. Sri Appavaru Ashiravada didn’t went wrong. Sri Vekagiriacharya was blessed with a child. That child was none other than Guru Jagannatha Dasaru.
Guru Jagannatha Dasaru made an enormous contribution to Dasa Sahithya. One of his most famous composition is “Tugire Rayara Tugire Gurugala“, which is song every day in all the Rayar Mutt’s across the globe . He wrote nearly 30 books on philosophy like ‘brahma sutra Bhashya AdhyAtmikartha’, ‘Para Para tattva dipika etc‘, along with 40 stotras in sanskrit and a number of songs in kannada. He also wrote commentaries on Harikathamruthasara in kannada and Sanskrit.
Sri Appavara Yoga Shakthi:
Once Sri Appavaru had been to Gadag and visited the famous temple of Sri VeeraNarayana . It was afternoon time and Pooja, Alankara, Naivedya and Mahamangalarati were all completed. Archakas and the Parupateyedars, after all Prathakarya Seve and Pooja had left and the temple was closed. Appavaru stepped into the temple, seeing the closed doors, Appavaru prayed to Lord Veera Narayana and said loudly Oh! Narayanappa I have come to see you, but the doors are all closed, and the closed doors opened automatically without the keys. Appavaru had darshana of Darshana Brahma Sri VeeraNarayana and started conversation with Veera Narayana. Lord Narayana offered Pratyaksha Darshana to Appavaru. Sri Yogi Narayanacharya who was the immense devote surrendered to Appavara Apparoxa Gyana. Sri Narayanacharya was a resident of Gadag, and a great devotee of Sri VeeraNarayana ,Raghavendra Swamigalu and led a life like a Yogi. He was also a great scholar.
After seeing Appavara’s divine personality, Sri Yogi Narayanacharya immediately surrendered to Appavaru and requested him to accept him as his shishya. Sri Yogi Narayanacharya always followed Sri Appavaru, lived with him and performed the seva with devotion and affection.
Haridasarige Mandira
Sri Kamalesha Dasaru in his Kruthi “sri Raghavendra rayara padambhuja aradhakara kondadiro” mentions Sri Appavaru as “Haridasarige mandidravada Ibharampurdi Mereuva krishnaraya”. Sri Appavaru was Swaroopodhakaru for many dasaru like Sri Jayesha Vithala Dasaru, Sri Vijayaramachandara Dasaru , Sri Kamalesha Dasaru , GuruJaganatha Dasaru, Sri Yoginarayanacharya. Sri Appavaru played a prominent role in their life to attain the Gynana ,Bhakthi and made huge contribution to Dasa Sahithya.
Divine Smell
Sri Appavaru every day during his bath used to emit a very divine Smell. All his items including the letters, cloths, and materials which Appavaru were using, used to have a divine smell. This divinity of Appavaru was because of parayana of “Parimala Grantha” which was composed by Sri Raghavendra Swamigalu, this also shows Sri Appavara Topa bala.
Sri Raghavendra Chittaghnam :
Sri Yoginarayacharya who is the direct disciple of Sri Appavaru in a stotra mentions “ಶ್ರೀರಾಘವೇಂದ್ರಚಿತ್ತಜ್ಞಂ” which clearly says that Sri Appavaru did know the insights of Sri Raghavendrateertharu. Here is a small instance in Sri Appavara biography which prove that. At Mantralayam, one Sri Nanadavara Desai and his family were doing seva to Sri Gurusarbhoumaru regularly, as they didn’t have child. The couple made a sankalpa in front of Rayaru that they will do a 1 Lakh Barahmana Bhojana if they have a Child. With the blessing of Rayaru, the couple were blessed with a Child. But, Couple were now worried about the sankalpa they had made of 1 Lakh Brahamana Bhojana . Again Nandavara Desai Couple pleaded Rayaru to provide a solution, for which they had made a sankalpa. Rayaru in the dreams of Desai said “I Will direct my shishaya to come to your home, make the arrangements for brahamana bhojana”. The Desai Couple after Rayara assurance was waiting for a brahmana to come to their home . Sri Appavaru knew the insights of Gururajaru approached the couples and told the couple that, Rayaru has informed him about Brahamana Bhojana in their home. Desai Family were blessed by Appavaru .This Instance clearly shows that Sri Appavaru knew the heart of Gururajaru.
Sri Appavara Aradhane:
Sri Appavaru attained Haripada on Sharavana Masa Sukhla Paksha Tritiya, in the year 1869.Sri Yoginarayanacharya who was the closest shishya and devotee of Sri Appavaru was also a master in carvings. After Appavaru attained haripada Sri Yoginayanacharya made a carving on Shaligrama Shila of Sri Appavaru and Chaturbhuja Venugopala and installed in Ibharampura which is being worshipped till date by the vamshastaru of Sri Appavru.
ಶುಭದಂ ಸೇವಮಾನಾನಾಂ ಅಭಯಪ್ರದಮಥಿನಾಂ |
ಇಭರಾಮಪುರಾಗಾರಂ ಕೃಷ್ಣಾಚಾರ್ಯ ಗುರುಂ ಭಜೇ ||
ಶ್ರೀರಾಘವೇಂದ್ರಚಿತ್ತಜ್ಞಂ ಸಾರಮಾತ್ತವದಾವದಂ |
ದೂರೀಕೃತದುರಾಚಾರಂ ಕೃಷ್ಣಾಚಾರ್ಯ ಗುರುಂ ಭಜೇ ||
- Sri Appavaru
- Chaturbhuja Venugopalakrishna
- Rayara Paduke
- Sri Appavara Paduke
- Sri Ibharampura Appavaru
- Pandava Poojita Pachamukhi Pranadevaru
Nice post with detailed Information.
I had visted once in the year 2020.
Achar had come all the way from mantralaya and opend and did mangalarathi for us.
Namaskaragalu Appavarige.
Hare Sreenivasa.
Hari Sarvothama:
Vaayu Jeevothama:
Sri Gurubyo Namaha:
Namaskara,when is the Aradhana in 2022 ?
ಸ್ವಾಮಿ ಇಭರಾಂಪುರ ಅಪ್ಪ ನಾಳೆ ಮುಂಜಾನೆಯೊಳಗೆ ನನ್ನ ಕೈ ಕಾಲಿಗೆ ಶಕ್ತಿ ನೀಡು ತಂದೆ, ಮಂತ್ರಾಲಯಕ್ಕೆ ಬಂದು ರಾಯರ ದರ್ಶನ ಪಡೆದು ನಿಮ್ಮಯ ಹೆಸರಲ್ಲಿ ಒಂದು ಸಾವಿರ ಭಕ್ತರಿಗೆ ದಾಸೋಹ ಸೇವೆ ಸಲ್ಲಿಸುವೆ ತಂದೆ, ನನ್ನ ಮನೆದೇವರು ಕನಕೂರು ರಾಮಲಿಗೇಶ್ವರನ ಮೇಲಾಣೆ.
Thank you so much for these details
We at Mantralayam want to visit ibrahimpur appavaru, wish to know the distance and root map
Tumba santoshari Appavaru vaibhava ns bhootho na bhavishyathi dhanyawadagalu
Nice Article..Really Blesses to have such a Great Gyanigalu . Please Provide Information .
We are Blessed , Please Provide more information about Appavaru and Contemporaries which you have mentioned
I am moved by the biography of His Holoness Appavaru.Thanks for the article.
Nice to know about Ibharampura Appavaru
Wonderful Article… Did not know much about Appavaru thank you